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The Stillness of Winter

Writer's picture: Calla Harrington, LICSWCalla Harrington, LICSW

As I watched the recent falling snow blanket the earth around me, I was stunned by its quiet glistening beauty as if I were seeing it for the first time. I reflected on the stark differences and gradual evolvement of the seasons and how nature moves in cycles: sunrise, sunset; waxing, waning, and full moons; the rhythm of each day as the day progresses towards night; the cycle of energy in our bodies. The trees are bare but the fallen leaves return to the soil to nourish new growth. Human phases of life process predictably from infancy to old age, a natural progression of its own.

Is it easy to forget that we are connected with nature and perhaps would benefit from taking cues from what we witness nature effortlessly perform? The nature of winter is to slow down. Growth goes dormant, animals hibernate, and the darkness limits the light. In keeping with nature, it is time for all of us to slow down, reflect and rejuvenate , patiently

evolving towards spring. Nature is in stillness, rest, and dormancy.

It’s not a state of pure inactivity: it is rather a time to be active in a

different way, going internal, nurturing our spirits, looking within for

our own light, a hibernation of sorts in search of connection with

our unique selves: sitting with ourselves, our thoughts, our

imaginations, grieving the loss of what was and the constant nature

of change as we move forward. Stillness is holding a quiet mind that

becomes awakened to self, truth, and possibilities, a time of seeking.

Our heightened awareness may bring forth feelings and thoughts that

have been buried or anesthetized by the busyness of life or our

avoidant choices. Winter is an opportunity to go within, to hear what

calls to us, connect with it, and address or resolve that which will help

us evolve and move forward. The discomfort it may bring to us, like

winter may, also gifts us with the possibility of nourishing new growth

for the coming spring. Relish the stillness, meditate, renew and replenish.

Delight in the joy of what is the present.

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